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  • Is Proton Treatment expensive? Is it covered through insurance?

    The Proton Treatment costs are similar or a little higher than the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and pediatric tumor, recurrent cancer in the site treated with radiotherapy, brain/spinal tumor, head and neck tumor, eye tumor, breast cancer, and abdominal cancer costs are covered through insurance. Precise treatment costs will be provided to you according to the evaluation of your treatment method and period after your consultation with the doctor in charge.
  • I have to receive outpatient treatment everyday but I do not live near the hospital. Can I be hospitalized to receive inpatient treatments?

    The radiotherapy is only performed for 10-30 minutes per day. Therefore, we do not have designated patient rooms for radiotherapy. There are some special cases where requests are be made to other medical offices for the patient to receive inpatient treatments if the patient’s conditions are too severe to receive outpatient treatments. However, radiotherapy is generally facilitated through outpatient treatments. 
  • I heard that there is a scheduling fee. Is this fee included in the total cost of treatment?

    With regards to radiotherapy, fees will be generated during each phase including simulation test fee, treatment planning fee, treatment fee, and examination. Payments will be made during the actual time of each phase.
    1) Simulation treatment costs (preparation costs)
    This fee is generated during the series of processes to identify and determine the site for radiotherapy treatment. In the case shielding cover is need to be created to protect special immobilizations device and normal sites, additional cost may be incurred. If CT is taken for treatment planning purposes, the CT fee incurred will be included here. The payment for simulation treatment fee is made upon completion of the simulation treatment.
    2) Treatment planning costs
    This fee is for the production of the computerized plan using the images from the simulation treatment and the fee is be determined according to the precise plan established by the doctor in charge. Therefore, this payment is often made together with your first treatment fee when you come to your first treatment visit.
    3) Treatment costs
    This is the costs for the actual radiotherapy treatment and typically, the payment of the treatment fee is paid after each treatment. However, you may make payments for each week if that is more convenient for you. 
    4) Checkup imaging costs
    This cost is incurred from the process of checking your treatment progress periodically to see if your conditions are accurately being treated.  The costs may vary due to the treatment device used, different treatment site assessed, and change of treatment plans. 
    5) Examination costs
    Additional examination costs aside from the treatment costs will incur when consulting with your doctor during the radiotherapy. 
  • Can I make my own schedule of appointments to receive treatment?

    After the first treatment, we provide you with the schedule of appointments. We try to accommodate your schedule according to the availability of the corresponding treatment room. However, this may not be possible if there are high number of patients on the list of appointments. In this case, we ask for your understanding. Furthermore, we would like to sincerely ask you to make it to your appointments on time in order to provide accurate treatments to patients and reduce unnecessary waiting time. If unavoidable situations in which you have to change your scheduled appointment or have an overlapping appointment at another medical office, please contact the treatment office a day before. Also, please contact the treatment office if you have encountered an urgent situation in which you have to change your appointment on the day of your appointment.

    treatment room 5 3410-2591 treatment room 6 3410-2592
    treatment room 7 3410-2593 treatment room 8 3410-2594
    treatment room 9 3410-2595 treatment room 10 3410-2596
    treatment room 11 3410-2597    
  • I live at home with children. Is it safe to be with them? Is it possible to check whether if the radiation is left in my body after the treatment?

    Other than when the actual treatment is being conducted, the operation of the equipment has been ceased and thus, radiation is not produced during this time including when changing clothes or preparing for treatment. Therefore, other than the time of treatment, you are not exposed to radiation and even the radiation that has been produced during the treatment becomes annihilated after it affects the cancer cells in the body; thus, there are not any remaining radiation in your body or on your clothes after the treatment. Hence, there is no need for you to avoid contact with others.
  • Does radiotherapy have any influence on pregnancy after the treatment? Does it have any effects on the reproductive organs?

    Contraceptive measures are recommended for at least a year following the radiation treatment and which applies to men as well.
    If radiation is applied to the pelvis area, it can cause disorders to the reproductive organs. However, most are temporary and permanent disorders are uncommon. If necessary, consult with the doctor prior to the treatment to find appropriate measures. For women receiving radiotherapy near the pelvis, the treatment may trigger menopause. If menopause symptoms appear (including burning sensation in the face, numb sensations at the tip of hands and feet, and pain in joints), consult with your doctor.
  • How can I manage skin care during the treatment? I heard that there is a product for radiotherapy. Do I need to use it?

    For skin management, fully moisturize the skin using general moisturizers or baby lotion. The use of other products are not necessary. As the treatment progresses, the skin of the site where the radiation have been applied may turn dark similar to a sunburn or peel from excessively dry skin. In such cases, consult with your doctor to apply ointment or external remedies. Even the ointment used for treatment purposes should not be applied several hours before or during the radiotherapy. The skin membrane developed from the ointment may interact with the radiation to produce a greater damage to the skin. Also, do not scratch or rub the skin near the treatment site even if it itches. Avoid wearing tight clothing, and instead wear comfortable clothing made of cotton.
    When receiving treatment on your head or neck, the mucous membrane in your mouth and skin near the treatment site become weak. Regular razors may stimulate your cut your skin. Therefore, the use of electric shavers are recommended.
  • What type of exercises can I do during the treatment period?

    Exercise and physical activities is known to decrease the death rate related to cancer among breast cancer and colon cancer patients. It also improves the quality of life and mental health conditions by decreasing the level of fatigue during the radiotherapy. Instead of intensive exercises, 30 minute walks performed 3-4 times a week, is recommended and the intensity level of the exercise should be controlled depending on the patients conditions. If excessive fatigue, difficulty in breathing, pain, or pyrexy occurs during the exercise, you must stop the exercise immediately. For more details relating to exercise during treatment, please contact your doctor or the Cancer Education Center.
  • How should I control my diet during the treatment?

    Tumor is a highly wasting disease in which it may absorb the necessary nutrients needed for normal membrane growth. In most cases, appetite is decreased from the disease in the tumor itself. Therefore, food consumption may be difficult during the radiation treatment and careful management of nutrition is needed. Even if food consumption becomes difficult, consume foods that are easy to digest and high in nutrition and avoid binge eating by consuming small amount of food at a time. Always remember that a healthy diet can be the best treatment method.
    1) What type of meals should I have during the radiotherapy?

    • A particular type of food does not enhance radiotherapy results.

    • It is important have a well balanced diet.

    • High calorie and high protein food increases the treatment effects and rate of recovery.

    2) Can I eat meat or sugary foods?
    Yes. You can consume them.

    • Since meat is high in protein, it is good to steady consume meat during the radiotherapy.
    - Pork, chicken, beef, and dog meat  

    • Although excessive consumption of sugar is not recommended, a moderate level of consumption okay because it helps fatigue management and calorie supplement. 
    - animal fat including butter and cream, and also, sugar, chocolate, and honey

    3) Can I eat raw foods such as raw beef and sashimi?
    Yes. You can consume them.

    You can consume raw foods on the average.
    - including fresh fruits, unprocessed vegetables, sashimi, raw beef, and fermented food
     However, raw foods are restricted when treatments with anticancer treatments as it may increase the risk of infection due to decreased level of immunity. In such cases, the medical team guides you through the restricted foods. Therefore, you should be attentive to your diet during this period.

    4) Can I consume supplements such as red ginseng concentrate, Sanghwang Mushroom, green vegetable juice?
    No. You should not consume them.

    • Taking certain health supplements may have negative effects on the radiotherapy (For example:  liver function deterioration)

    • Overdose of multivitamins and nutritional supplements can influence liver functions. Therefore, consultation with a medical representative is necessary.
    Examples of certain health supplements that you should be cautious of
    herbal medicine, concentrates (including red ginseng, ginseng, wild ginseng, fresh ginseng), Sanghwang Mushroom, Lingzhi Mushroom, green vegetable juice (including kale, angelica utilis, wild parsley), boiled water (including carp, eel, snakehead), cordyceps militaris, agaricus, elm juice, noni juice, chitosan, squalene, and Gaesoju
    5) It is very difficult for me to eat food including soup. Can I receive nutrition supplement injections or fluids?
    It may be necessary to receive nutritional supplements due to lack of oral ingestion and you should consult with a medical representative before deciding. In the case you cannot consume food, please inform the nurse or the doctor in charge.

  • I feel more fatigue than usual during the treatment. Is this okay?

    During the radiotherapy, the level of energy consumption increases. Therefore, you may feel more tired during and after the radiotherapy. 
     On the average, the feeling of fatigue starts during the first 2~3 weeks of the treatment period and it may increase the treatment progresses. Although the level of fatigue differs per individual, most of the patients experience minor fatigue in which it does not interrupt with performing their daily activities. These type of fatigue may last up to weeks and sometimes months after the treatment, but it begins to decrease from 2~6 weeks after the treatment.
  • Do I experience hair loss during the proton treatment?

    Unless the radiation is transferred to parts of your head, there should not be any loss of hair. If you receive radiation treatment in parts of your head, you may experience hair loss for up to 2~3 weeks of the treatment period. However, your hair will recover upon the completion of the treatment. The exact period of hair recovery varies per individual, and therefore, is difficult to predict. Also, patients receiving anticancer drugs may experience hair loss from the anticancer drugs. For some patients, hair density or thickness may decrease or hair growth may be delayed depending on the amount of radiation applied.
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