Medical Team at the Proton Center
The Proton Center at the Samsung Medical Center provides an optimized
cooperation process and content through the SMC Partners Center Portal.
- The Samsung Medical Center is doing our best with our affiliated hospital to provide the patients from the affiliated hospital optimum service by facilitating the highest collaboration process (including SRS, e-consult, Q&A) and contents through SMC Partners Center Portal.
- Samsung Medical Center have adopted the proton therapy, the latest technology in the field of radiotherapy, and promises to deliver the most up to date proton therapy related information to the doctors at the affiliated hospital. Moreover, we will strive to do our best to continuously facilitate the F/U Care including side effects after the treatment.
About Proton Therapy
- Proton treatment is a type of particle radiation that accelerates protons, which are the nucleus of hydrogen atoms, with high energy to destruct tumors. By using the physical principle called, “Bragg peak,” it sends radiation only the tumor while decreasing the amount of radiation transferred to the surrounding organs. Therefore, it has an advantage of lowering risks of side effects compared to the existing X-ray radiotherapy.
- Although the commercialization of proton therapy has been established after the year of 2000, it had been actually first introduced in the 1950’s. It was first used for medical purposes at the Harvard University in the U.S. Starting from the 1990’s, it began to be widely used to treat patients at hospitals.
As a leader in cancer treatment, the Samsung Medical Center first assessed the adaptation of the proton therapy device in 2006. Then in 2009, we decided to introduce the proton therapy device and subsequently, completed the development of the Proton Therapy Center in 2014. The first patient was treated at the Proton Center in December of 2015.
The proton therapy device that we have introduced here at the Samsung Medical Center, is the next generation treatment device that can perform the existing Wobbling treatment method and also the Scanning treatment method. To we provide accurate and comfortable services to our patients, we have introduced the CBCT, MLC, and Automatic Robotic Couch.

[Principles of Wobbling & Scanning Treatment]