Lim, Do Hoon Radiation Oncology
Professor & Chairman Department of Radiation Oncology Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 뇌종양, 소아암, 위암, 위말트림프종, 중추신경계림프종, 육종(척추,사지), 다발성골수종, 특수방사선치료, 양성자치료
Make an inquiry to the Pediatric Dept. about which department to visit.
Diagnose pediatric cancer and identify the progress through examinations.
Initiate treatment through the protocol of each disease or establish treatment course through the multidisciplinary approach.
If proton therapy has been determined, make an inquiry to the Radiation Oncology Department 2~4 weeks before the treatment.
Proceed with proton therapy. (If you are receiving anesthesia, proceed by first making a request to the Anesthesiology Department)
Step 01
Assess the need for proton theraphy
Step 02
Assess the need for anesthesia
Step 03
Facilitate play program
Step 04
Proton therapy
Step 05
Treatment completion banquet
Symptom management training
The risk of side effects associated with pediatric anesthesia is reported to be less than 0.1%. Even if symptoms are present, they are minor. There are nearly no complications and it only takes a few days for recovery.
Authors and reference |
Children | Complications /procedures |
% | Complications | Comments |
Fortney et al (2) | 123 | 32/2706 | 1.2% | Sepsis=11, laryngospasm=13, airway obstruction=5, arrhythmia=3 |
Sum of events included simulations Sum of events included 222 simulations |
Seiler et al (9) | 74 | 85/1033 | 8.2% | Of the 81 noted complications, 13 are in patients deemed to have pulses > 160 | |
Anghelescu et al (10) | 177 | 49/3833 | 1.3% | Described a large number of complication that would be considered by many as normal events | |
Wojciessek et al (11) | 16 | 0/739 (0/267 in 16 children) |
0.00% | Reported no complications during treatment | |
Current report | 138 | 3/4045 | 0.0074% | Complications described in text: aspiration=2;fall=1 | Sum of events included simulations |
Professor & Chairman Department of Radiation Oncology Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 뇌종양, 소아암, 위암, 위말트림프종, 중추신경계림프종, 육종(척추,사지), 다발성골수종, 특수방사선치료, 양성자치료
Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 소아고형암, 유전성암
Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 빈혈, 소아암, 백혈병, 출혈, 혈소판감소증, 조혈모세포이식
Professor of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 신경모세포종, 뇌종양, 고위험고형암, 조혈모세포이식
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Special Interests : 골낭종, 병적골절, 골육종(골암), 근골격계종양
Special Interests : 소아마취, 수술실외부마취