Reference for Head and neck cancer
We would like to introduce the details of proton therapy.
Proton radiation for treatment of cancer of the oropharynx: early experience at Loma Linda University Medical Center using a concomitant boost technique.
Proton therapy for head and neck malignancies at Tsukuba.
Proton beam therapy for unresectable malignancies of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Proton Beam Therapy as a nonsurgical approach to mucosal melanoma of the head and neck: a pilot study.
Visual outcome of accelerated fractionated radiation for advance sinonasal malignancie employing photons/protons.
Proton radiation therapy for primary sphenoid sinus malignancies: treatment outcomes and prognostic factors.
Protons in Headand-Neck Cancer: Bridging the Gap of Evidence.
Impact of early radiological response evaluation on radiotherapeutic outcomes in the patients with nasal cavity and paranasal sinus malignancies.
Outcome of T4 (International Union Against Cancer Staging System, 7th edition) or recurrent nasal cavity and paranasal sinus carcinoma treated with proton beam.
Intensity modulated photon and proton therapy for the treatment of head and neck tumors.
Proton therapy for head and neck cancer: rationale, potential indications, practical considerations, and current clinical evidence.
Proton radiation therapy for head and neck cancer: a review of the clinical experience to date.
Charged particle therapy versus photon therapy for paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis.