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Proton therapy for pancreatic cancer.
  • 著者姓名: Nichols RC, Huh S, Li Z et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: World J Gastrointest Oncol.
  • 卷号: 7(9):141-7.
  • 发行年度: 2015 Sep.
Gastrointestinal cancer: nonliver proton therapy for gastrointestinal cancers.
  • 著者姓名: Plastaras JP1, Dionisi F, Wo JY.
  • 学术刊物名称: Cancer J.
  • 卷号: 20(6):378-86.
  • 发行年度: 2014.
Proton therapy with concomitant capecitabine for pancreatic and ampullary cancers is associated with a low incidence of gastrointestinal toxicity.
  • 著者姓名: Nichols RC Jr, George TJ, Zaiden RA Jr et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: Acta Oncol.
  • 卷号: 52(3):498-505.
  • 发行年度: 2013.
Small bowel toxicity after high dose spot scanning-based proton beam therapy for paraspinal/retroperitoneal neoplasms.
  • 著者姓名: Schneider RA, Vitolo V, Albertini F et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: Strahlenther Onkol.
  • 卷号: 189(12):1020-5.
  • 发行年度: 2013.
A phase I/II study of gemcitabine-concurrent proton radiotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer without distant metastasis.
  • 著者姓名: Terashima K, Demizu Y, Hashimoto N et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: Radiother Oncol.
  • 卷号: 103: 25-31.
  • 发行年度: 2012 Apr.
A phase 1/2 and biomarker study of preoperative short course chemoradiation with proton beam therapy and capecitabine followed by early surgery for resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
  • 著者姓名: Hong TS, Ryan DP, Borger DR et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
  • 卷号: 89(4):830-8.
  • 发行年度: 2014.
Phase I study of preoperative short-course chemoradiation with proton beam therapy and capecitabine for resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma of the head.
  • 著者姓名: Hong TS, Ryan DP, Blaszkowsky LS et al.
  • 学术刊物名称: Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
  • 卷号: 79(1):151-7.
  • 发行年度: 2011.


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