Streangth-training exercise with no equipments

Muscular strength is an important factor in determining physical strength. The decline in muscular strength can cause degenerative arthritis and dysbasia (difficulty in walking).
Thus, it is important to maintain and improve muscular strength to prevent such disorders. However, you often find yourself not knowing how to do strength-training exercises correctly.
Fitness centres and yoga studios sometimes do not provide classes compatible with your schedule, and the fees can sometimes be too high. Today, we will show you highly effective strength-training exercises that can be done with no fitness equipment at your home or office without the constraints of time and space.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with no equipment 1: squat

1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.
2. Extend your arms straight out in front of you.
3. Slowly bend your knees down and then come back up whilst pushing your hips backwards as if sitting on a chair.

※ Keep your knees behind the tips of your toes.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with no equipment 2: lunge

  1. 1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2. Extend one of your legs forwards and bend your knee at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. 3. Bend the knee of the other leg at the same time and lower your body.
  4. 4. Come back up and repeat the process.

※ Keep your knees behind the tips of your toes.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with no equipment 3: push-up

  1. 1. Lie with your face down and place your hands slightly wider apart than your shoulder width.
  2. 2. Place your hands on the floor and straighten your arms and knees.
  3. 3. Bend your elbows while slowly lowering your body to the point right before your body touches the floor, and then push your body back up using the palms of your hands.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with no equipment 4: leg raise

  1. 1. Lie with your face up and place the palms of your hands on the floor.
  2. 2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs.
  3. 3. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and slowly lower your legs.
  4. 4. Repeat the process of lifting and lowering your legs this way.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with no equipment 5: sit-up

  1. 1. Lie with your face up and bend your knees.
  2. 2. Slowly lift and lower your upper body using as much force of the abdominal muscles as possible.

Highly effective strength-training exercise with minimal equipment 6: dumbbell shoulder press

  1. 1. Lift dumbbells over your head.
  2. 2. Slowly bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. 3. Repeat this process.

Doing regular strength-training exercises can prevent the loss of muscular strength and various illnesses. If you are hesitating to work out because of your busy schedule and expensive fees, how about trying the simple strength training that we have shown you today at your home or office. The Sports Medical Center (스포츠의학센터) at the Samsung Medical Center gives the following instructions with regard to strength-training exercise. Please read them before exercising indoors.

Instructions with Regard to Strength-training Exercises

  • Have enough time to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • The right posture is important. Pay as much attention as possible to keep your posture correct.
  • Holding your breath during strength-training exercises can increase your blood pressure. Make sure that you follow the right breathing technique.
  • Alternate exercise with rests at an interval of 1 to 2 days so that your muscles can recover.