All you need to know about chronic fatigue syndrome

Difference between fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome

We need to be able to identify the types of fatigue we are feeling. Fatigue is a subjective feeling of systemic languidness after activities. It can manifest as tiredness, somnolence, lack of appetite, digestive problems, dizziness, etc. In severe cases, fatigue is associated with other conditions such as insomnia, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, headache, eyestrain and lethargy, as well as heart palpitations and facial rash, like the symptoms of climacterium. The most common causes are sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, lack of fluids, malnutrition, excessive stress or depression.

Fatigue can be usually be alleviated by rest within one to three weeks. Prolonged fatigue is defined as a disabling fatigue that lasts for at least one month. If this degree of fatigue lasts longer than six months, it is chronic. In addition to this, if you are continuously tired even after having enough rest, and have other associated symptoms, including weight loss and lack of appetite, I recommend you to see a doctor to check if you have any other conditions.

Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome

By and large, chronic fatigue can be attributed to three main causes: physical disease, mental disease, and social and psychological stress.

1. Physical disease

Fatigue can be a sign of medical conditions or an underlying illness such as: anemia, tuberculosis, chronic liver diseases (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis etc.), diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney failure, cardiac failure or cancer. Left untreated, the underlying illnesses will worsen the fatigue. Usually, fatigue caused by physical diseases will make you more tired in the afternoon than in the morning.

Also, it is accompanied by other symptoms. For instance, anemia can cause shortness of breath and dizziness, and liver diseases can cause digestive problems, jaundice and ascites. Diabetes patients have excessive thirst, weight loss and frequent urination. Hyperthyroidism can cause weight loss and increased appetite. On the contrary hypothyroidism can cause changes in skin texture, cold intolerance, constipation and weight gain. Cardiac failure causes shortness of breath, chest pain or chest discomfort, as well as edema which is also one of the symptoms of renal failure.

2. Mental diseases

Depression and anxiety are at the root of fatigue. Patients with depression feel sad, lose interest in things, become lethargic and slow in thinking, and as a result they feel extremely tired.
In most cases, they also experience other physical symptoms such as: insomnia, headache, a change in appetite, digestive problems, constipation, or loss of libido. Patients with an anxiety disorder have extreme feelings of anxiety and fear that interfere with daily life.

They are always anxious without any specific reasons, and experience fatigue due to heart palpitations, muscle tension, headache, insomnia, and chest pain. Fatigue caused by mental diseases will show no abnormality on screening, but will continue for a long time. Sometimes, patients will feel more lethargic depending on their emotional and psychological status.

3. Social and psychological stress

Social and psychological stress is the most frequent cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Extended working hours, problems at the workplace, an irregular life pattern and lack of rest can cause chronic fatigue. Moreover, heavy drinking, lack of exercise, perfectionism and having an obsession with competition and achievement can deteriorate fatigue.

Housewives are also susceptible to chronic fatigue due to child-rearing and household chores. Chronic fatigue caused by social and psychological stress can be alleviated by changing your lifestyle.

4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated illness characterized by at least six months of extreme fatigue that is not relieved by rest, interfering with daily life. It is accompanied by low fever, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, muscle aches, headache, and problems with memory and concentration. In truth, the exact causes of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are unknown, and this severe disease is not a common condition.