A Gift from Heaven : What Fiber can do for your body

A magical nutrient, fiber that prevents metabolic diseases by controlling cholesterol level in our body and helps intestinal movement can be categorized into soluble and insoluble fiber. Citrus fruits such as mandarin and citron, apple, banana, seaweeds, oats and nuts are rich in soluble fiber. In the meantime, sweet potato, potato, grains such as corn, beans such as red bean, soybean and mung bean, spinach, chives and mushroom are rich in insoluble fiber. As the two categories of fiber plays different roles, we need to take in both soluble and insoluble fibers.

Soluble fiber wards off chronic diseases

1. Soluble fiber is the best friend for your heart as it binds bile acids.

Soluble fiber is good for the health of heart by lowering cholesterol and neutral fat, two risk factors of heart disease. Cholesterol in liver is a main compound of bile acids that were absorbed in the large intestine, working on our body in a negative way. In this process, soluble fiber makes bile acids into gel and eliminates it from the body. So, more of our body's cholesterol is used up in replenishing the bile acids. Moreover, soluble fiber helps eliminate fat by binding with fats. In this process, the fiber prevents obesity as toxic substances are excreted.

2. Soluble fiber has a beneficial effect on controlling diabetes by lowering blood glucose.

Soluble fiber can slow the absorption of sugar and is effective to prevent and treat diabetes. It is because nutrients and dietary fiber bind together, slowing down them moving from stomach to duodenum. As such, absorption of sugar will be slower, preventing sudden spike of blood glucose level. Consequently, insulin secretion will be regulated as stimulation gets slower as well. Apple, banana, citrus fruits, grains such as oats and barley, beans and nuts are main source of soluble fiber.

3. Soluble fiber is key to weight loss. Don't skip your meal.

Soluble fiber can slow the absorption of sugar and is effective to prevent and treat diabetes. It is because nutrients and dietary fiber bind together, slowing down them moving from stomach to duodenum. As such, absorption of sugar will be slower, preventing sudden spike of blood glucose level. Consequently, insulin secretion will be regulated as stimulation gets slower as well. Apple, banana, citrus fruits, grains such as oats and barley, beans and nuts are main source of soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber makes your colon stronger and healthier.

Dietary fiber holds water very effectively thus contributing to increase in stool weight and size and make it softer. As a result, this makes the bowel easy to move the stool. In addition, eating fiber stimulates bacteria in your colon and cause an increased frequency of bowel movements.

Corn bran, whole grains, wheat chaff, wheat, rye, rice, carrot, sweet potato, red bean, seaweeds are source of insoluble fibers. It is well-known that rarity of colon cancer in Africans with large stool size is associated with consumption of large volume of fibrous foods such as tough vegetables, roots and fruits. According to the Journal of American Society for Nutrition, the incidence of colorectal cancer is dramatically higher in African Americans than in Native Africans. This proves close relations between dietary fiber and the health of colon. Dietary fiber can prevent colorectal cancer because fiber binds residual carcinogens in colon and excretes them from the body quickly.

Fiber is the best weapon for colon. How much should we have to take?

Adults need 20~25g of fiber each day. A bowl of brown rice or any whole-grain products that provide at least 2.5 grams of fiber per serving, a bowl of salad or 2~3 small dishes of various vegetables especially with their skins and peels, and two serving of fruits will get you enough fiber for a day. Adults should take in enough fiber every day because it can prevent diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, and colorectal cancer. However, children and the elderly need to be cautious. Growing children should consume nutrients in a balanced way. However, excess consumption of fiber will deteriorate absorption of various nutrients, vitamin and minerals.