Mongolian Doctors Complete Liver Transplant Training at SMC, Paving Way for Transplant Surgeries in 2025.

Mongolian Doctors Complete Liver Transplant Training at SMC, Paving Way for Transplant Surgeries in 2025.

Twenty-one medical professionals from Second State Central Hospital of Mongolia have successfully completed a three-week liver transplant training program conducted in three phases. With the expertise acquired from this training, Second State Central Hospital plans to form a new organ transplant team and commence liver transplant surgeries locally by 2025.

Gan-Erdene Baatarjav, a surgeon who participated in the program, shared, "I am delighted to have encountered and learned from numerous liver transplant cases, and I am grateful for the kindness of all the medical staff and coordinators we met during the training. Thanks to Samsung Medical Center's support, I feel confident in performing the first organ transplant upon my return."

Professor Jong Man Kim, who oversaw the training program, commented, "I hope this training will enhance Mongolia's liver transplant capabilities. We are pleased to bring a ray of hope to patients with liver diseases in Central Asia."