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현재 페이지 위치 : Center for Clinical Epidemiology > EDUCATION > HWG


How to write good paper

The objective of the How to Write Good Papers (HTWGP) Course is to learn the craft of writing papers in clinical and population research and getting them published. Writing scientific papers is largely a craft that can be learned and can be mastered through practice. HTWGP is directed to clinical and population researchers who have completed data collection and statistical analysis of a project and are ready to write up the findings in a scientific report.

As with other courses in the ACRD sequence, HTWGP will have a highly practical approach. The course will present many practical examples derived from the instructors’ experience and from recent medical and public health literature. The course will also include individual as well as group lab exercises to practice key concepts related to organization, writing, and publishing.

Learning objectives

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Organize their time and resources to ensure that paper are written within established timelines.
  • Learn techniques to overcome common barrier for writing papers such as procrastination, writer’s block or insecurity.
  • Organize effectively the material to be presented in a paper.
  • Write each of the sections of an original report in clinical and population research (Title, Abstract, IMRD, Bibliography, Tables, Figures, and Appendices).
  • Identify a suitable journal and submit the paper for publication.
  • Address the comments of the editors and the reviewers after the initial submission of the manuscript.