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신경외과 설호준 교수

뇌기저부수술, 뇌종양, 뇌하수체종양, 뇌수막종, 신경초종,, 감마나이프
진료일정 09 月
진료일정 10 月


2007.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (박사)
2004.02 서울대학교 대학원 의학과 (석사)
1994.02 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업 (의학사)


2019.03 ~현재 삼성서울병원 뇌종양 센터장
2019.03 ~현재 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 교수
2010.03 ~현재 삼성서울병원 신경외과 전문의
2013.03 ~ 2019.02 성균관대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 부교수
2010.03 ~ 2013.02 삼성서울병원 신경외과 임상부교수
2006.04 ~ 2010.02 강원대학교 의학전문대학원 의학과 조교수
2007.08 ~ 2009.06 Toronto univ. Hospital for Sick Children, Labatt Brain Tumor Research Center, . Research fellow
2004.03 ~ 2006.03 강원대학교 의과대학 의학과 전임강사
2003.03 ~ 2004.02 서울대학교병원 신경외과 뇌종양 및 뇌정위 분야 전임의
1999.03 ~ 2003.02 서울대학교병원 신경외과 레지던트 과정 수료
1994.03 ~ 1995.02 서울대학교병원 인턴 과정 수료


두개저 종양, 뇌종양, 뇌하수체 종양
수술적 치료가 매우 중요한 두개저 종양 및 뇌종양 환자의 최첨단 수술 기법에 대한 임상적 치료 및 연구에 매진하고 있으며, 향후 난치성 악성 뇌종양에 대한 신치료 기법 및 환자 맞춤형 치료를 위한 기초 및 중개연구를 담당함.


대한소아뇌종양학회 종신회원
2011.03 ~ 현재 대한신경종양학회 정회원
2005.03 ~ 현재 대한뇌종양학회 정회원
2005.03 ~ 현재 대한두개저외과학회 정회원
  • CLIN TRANSL RAD ONCO 2024 10.1016/j.ctro.2024.100799 Nomogram for radiation-induced lymphopenia in patients receiving intensity-modulated radiotherapy based-chemoradiation therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: A multi-institutional study Kim, N; Lee, J; Shin, H; Shin, J; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Chong, K; Lee, WJ; Chang, JH; Kang, SG; Moon, JH; Cho, JH; Lim, DH; Yoon, HI
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  • CANCERS 2024 10.3390/cancers16010064 Treatment Outcomes after Dose-Escalated Moderately Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Frail Patients with High-Grade Glioma Kim, N; Shin, H; Lim, D; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Chong, KYH; Lee, WJ
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2023 10.1007/s11060-023-04465-6 Impact of boost sequence in concurrent chemo-radiotherapy on newly diagnosed IDH-wildtype glioblastoma multiforme Kim, N; Lee, J; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Chong, K; Lee, WJ; Chang, JH; Kang, SG; Moon, JH; Cho, J; Lim, D; Yoon, HI
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  • J KOREAN NEUROSURG S 2023 10.3340/jkns.2022.0229 Effect of Bevacizumab Treatment in Cerebral Radiation Necrosis : Investigation of Response Predictors in a Single-Center Experience Lee, SH; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • GENOME MED 2023 10.1186/s13073-023-01165-8 Pharmacogenomic profiling reveals molecular features of chemotherapy resistance in IDH wild-type primary glioblastoma Nam, Y; Koo, H; Yang, YX; Shin, S; Zhu, ZH; Kim, D; Cho, HJ; Mu, QH; Choi, SW; Sa, JK; Seo, YJ; Kim, Y; Lee, K; Oh, JW; Kwon, YJ; Park, WY; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Park, CK; Lee, HW; Yoon, Y; Wang, JG
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  • ACTA NEUROCHIR 2023 10.1007/s00701-023-05533-6 A single-center prospective study regarding time to return to activities of daily living after craniotomy for brain tumors Lee, JA; Kim, AR; Tak, EY; Kim, Y; Shin, HJ; Mun, GW; Kim, SJ; Seol, HJ
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  • YONSEI MED J 2023 10.3349/ymj.2022.0352 Clinical Outcomes of Moderately Hypofractionated Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Kim, N; Lim, DH; Choi, JW; Lee, JI; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Seol, HJ
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2022 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.10.067 Impact of Postural Changes on Sinonasal Pressure After Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery Choi, HW; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2022 10.1016/J.WNEu.2022.04.088 Factors Associated with Acute Obstructive Hydrocephalus After Retrosigmoid Approach for Extra-Axial Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors Lee, WJ; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ
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  • SCI REP-UK 2022 10.1038/s41598-022-13853-3 Clinical outcomes of patients with multiple courses of radiosurgery for brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer Lee, WJ; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • FRONT ONCOL 2022 10.3389/fonc.2022.906162 Clinical Impact of Hydroxyapatite on the Outcome of Skull Base Reconstruction for Intraoperative High-Flow CSF Leak: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Lee, SH; Ha, CM; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, D; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • ACTA NEUROCHIR 2022 10.1007/s00701-022-05203-z Combined endoscopic endonasal and transorbital multiportal approach for complex skull base lesions involving multiple compartments Lee, WJ; Hong, SD; Woo, KI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Kong, DS
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2022 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.12.074 Serum Prolactin Level to Tumor Size Ratio as a Potential Parameter for Preoperative Differentiation of Prolactinomas from Hyperprolactinemia-Causing Non-functional Pituitary Adenomas Kim, JH; Hur, KY; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • SCI REP-UK 2022 10.1038/s41598-022-06881-6 Histopathology and surgical outcome of symptomatic treatment-related changes after gamma knife radiosurgery in patients with brain metastases Kim, JH; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, D; Ryu, JW; Kim, ST; Suh, YL; Lee, JI
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2022 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.11.003 Graded Reconstruction Strategy Using a Multilayer Technique Without Lumbar Drainage After Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery Ha, CM; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2022 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.10.169 Treatment Strategy for Giant Solid Hemangioblastomas in the Posterior Fossa: A Retrospective Review of 13 Consecutive Cases Jeon, C; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ
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  • J NEUROSURG 2022 10.3171/2021.2.JNS203867 Endoscopic endonasal and transorbital approaches to petrous apex lesions Lee, WJ; Hong, SD; Woo, KI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Kong, DS
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2022 10.1007/s11060-021-03930-4 Bevacizumab plus irinotecan with or without gamma knife radiosurgery after failure of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for high-grade glioma Lee, YP; Jung, HA; Lee, MS; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Lee, SH
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2021 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.03.085 Safety and Efficacy of Endoscopic Dorsum Sellar Resection for Access to Retroinfundibular or Upper Clival Tumors (Korean Society of Endoscopic Neurosurgery-008) Kong1, DS; Hong, SD; Kang, H; Seo, Y; Kim, MS; Seol, HJ; Park, CK; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kim, YH
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2021 10.1007/s11060-021-03774-y Early hormonal recovery following endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for silent non-functioning pituitary adenomas with hormone dysfunction Lee1, MH; Hur, KY; Hong, SD; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Lee, JI; Nam, D; Kong, DS
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  • J KOREAN MED SCI 2021 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e102 Optimal Volume of the Residual Tumor to Predict Long-term Tumor Control Using Stereotactic Radiosurgery after Facial Nerve-preserving Surgery for Vestibular Schwannomas Lee1, WJ; Lee, JI; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Cho, YS; Shin, HJ; Seol, HJ
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  • J KOREAN NEUROSURG SOC 2021 10.3340/jkns.2020.0135 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastasis : The Role of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Lee1, MH; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Jung, HA; Sun, JM; Lee, SH; Ahn, JS; Ahn, MJ; Park, K; Lee, JI
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  • STEREOT FUNCT NEUROS 2020 10.1159/000508737 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery as a Primary Treatment for Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenoma Invading the Cavernous Sinus Lee1, WJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • ACTA NEUROCHIR 2020 10.1007/s00701-020-04575-4 Stereotactic radiosurgery for orbital cavernous venous malformation a single center's experience for 15 years Lee1, WJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, D; Kim, YD; Woo, KI; Lee, JI
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  • J NEUROSURG 2020 10.3171/2019.5.JNS19222 Outcome evaluation of patients treated with fractionated Gamma Knife radiosurgery for large (> 3 cm) brain metastases a dose-escalation study Kim1, KH; Kong, DS; Cho, KR; Lee, MH; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Kim, ST; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • CLIN NEUROL NEUROSUR 2020 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.105847 Two-staged gamma knife radiosurgery for treatment of numerous (> 10) brain metastases Kim1, M; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • CANCER MED 2020 10.1002/cam4.3370 Ethnic delineation of primary glioblastoma genome Koo1, H; Choi, SW; Cho, HJ; Lee, IH; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Choi, JW; Sa, JK; Nam, DH
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  • GENOME BIOL 2020 10.1186/s13059-020-02140-x Transcriptional regulatory networks of tumor-associated macrophages that drive malignancy in mesenchymal glioblastoma Sa1, JK; Chang, N; Lee, HW; Cho, HJ; Ceccarelli, M; Cerulo, L; Yin, JL; Kim, SS; Caruso, FP; Lee, M; Kim, D; Oh, YT; Lee, Y; Her, NG; Min, B; Kim, HJ; Jeong, DE; Kim, HM; Kim, H; Chung, S; Woo, HG; Lee, J; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kim, J; Park, WY; Wang, QH; Sulman, EP; Heimberger, AB; Lim, M; Park, JB; Iavarone, A; Verhaak, RGW; Nam, DH
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  • J NEUROSURG 2020 10.3171/2019.3.JNS183130 Volumetric changes of intracranial metastases during the course of fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery and significance of adaptive planning Lee1, MH; Kim, KH; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12071707 Multi-Habitat Radiomics Unravels Distinct Phenotypic Subtypes of Glioblastoma with Clinical and Genomic Significance Choi1, SW; Cho, HH; Koo, H; Cho, KR; Nenning, KH; Langs, G; Furtner, J; Baumann, B; Woehrer, A; Cho, HJ; Sa, JK; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Park, H
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  • J CLIN NEUROSCI 2020 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.04.047 Pattern of disease progression following stereotactic radiosurgery in malignant glioma patients Choi1, SW; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • CANCERS 2020 10.3390/cancers12030549 Sphere-Forming Culture for Expanding Genetically Distinct Patient-Derived Glioma Stem Cells by Cellular Growth Rate Screening Shin1, K; Shin, H; Cho, HJ; Kang, H; Lee, JK; Seo, YJ; Shin, YJ; Kim, D; Koo, H; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Lee, HW; Nam, DH
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  • CANCER RES TREAT 2020 10.4143/crt.2019.036 Clinical Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Panels for Detection of Somatic Variants in Gliomas Shin1, H; Sa, JK; Bae, JS; Koo, H; Jin, S; Cho, HJ; Choi, SW; Kyoung, JM; Kim, JY; Seo, YJ; Joung, JG; Kim, NKD; Son, DS; Chung, J; Lee, T; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Suh, YL; Park, WY; Nam, DH
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  • EXP MOL MED 2019 10.1038/s12276-019-0351-y Secretome analysis of patient-derived GBM tumor spheres identifies midkine as a potent therapeutic target Han1, S; Shin, H; Lee, JK; Liu, ZQ; Rabadan, R; Lee, J; Shin, J; Lee, C; Yang, H; Kim, D; Kim, SH; Kim, J; Oh, JW; Kong, DS; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Kang, HJ; Nam, DH
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.07.218 Clinical Significance of Tumor-Related Edema of Optic Tract Affecting Visual Function in Patients with Sellar and Suprasellar Tumors Ju1, DG; Jeon, C; Kim, KH; Park, KA; Hong, SD; Seoul, HJ; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2019 10.1007/s11060-019-03328-3 Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery for malignant gliomas: comparison with single session stereotactic radiosurgery Choi1, SW; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.08.031 Clinical Efficacy of Optical Coherence Tomography to Predict the Visual Outcome After Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Suprasellar Tumors Jeon1, C; Park, KA; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Kong, DS
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  • NEUROSURG REV 2019 10.1007/s10143-019-01213-1 Comparison between retrosigmoid and translabyrinthine approaches for large vestibular schwannoma: focus on cerebellar injury and morbidities Kim1, KH; Cho, YS; Seol, HJ; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2018.6.JNS181099 Endoscopic transorbital surgery for Meckel's cave and middle cranial fossa tumors: surgical technique and early results Jeon1, C; Hong, CK; Woo, KI; Hong, SD; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS
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  • J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2018.3.JNS173233 Clinical and ophthalmological outcome of endoscopic transorbital surgery for cranioorbital tumors Kong1, DS; Young, SM; Hong, CK; Kim, YD; Hong, SD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Woo, KI
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  • ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL 2019 10.1080/00016489.2019.1592223 Prognostic factors of facial nerve function after vestibular schwannoma removal via translabyrinthine approach Ahn1, J; Ryu, NG; Lim, J; Kang, M; Seol, HJ; Cho, YS
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  • INT J CANCER 2019 10.1002/ijc.32054 Hypermutagenesis in untreated adult gliomas due to inherited mismatch mutations Sa1, JK; Choi, SW; Zhao, JF; Lee, Y; Zhang, J; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Iavarone, A; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH
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  • J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2017.12.JNS171943 Clinical and radiological outcomes of proactive Gamma Knife surgery for asymptomatic meningiomas compared with the natural course without intervention Kim1, KH; Kang, SJ; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.01.157 Prediction of IDH1 Mutation Status in Glioblastoma Using Machine Learning Technique Based on Quantitative Radiomic Data Lee1, MH; Kim, J; Kim, ST; Shin, HM; You, HJ; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • PLoS One 2019 10.1371/journal.pone.0215280 Early prediction of neurological outcome after barbiturate coma therapy in patients undergoing brain tumor surgery Ryu1, JA; Jung, W; Jung, YJ; Kwon, DY; Kang, K; Choi, H; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI
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  • J NEUROSURG 2019 10.3171/2017.11.JNS171337 Selection of endoscopic or transcranial surgery for tuberculum sellae meningiomas according to specific anatomical features: a retrospective multicenter analysis (KOSEN-002) Kong1, DS; Hong, CK; Hong, SD; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Oh, J; Kim, DG; Kim, YH
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  • RADIOTHER ONCOL 2019 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.11.025 Cancer genetic markers according to radiotherapeutic response in patients with primary glioblastoma - Radiogenomic approach for precision medicine Yang1, K; Jung, SW; Shin, H; Lim, DH; Lee, JI; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Kim, ST; Nam, DH
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.10.151 Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Predictive Biomarker for Survival in Patients with Treatment-Naive Glioblastoma Using Quantitative Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Profiling Kim1, BS; Kim, ST; Kim, JH; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Shin, HJ; Lee, JI; Kong, DS
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  • WORLD NEUROSURG 2019 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.11.090 Endoscopic Endonasal Versus Transorbital Surgery for Middle Cranial Fossa Tumors: Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Based on Surgical Corridors Lee1, MH; Hong, SD; Woo, KI; Kim, YD; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Shin, HJ; Nam, DH; Kong, DS
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  • NEURO-ONCOLOGY 2019 10.1093/neuonc/noy123 Distinct genomic profile and specific targeted drug responses in adult cerebellar glioblastoma Cho1, HJ; Zhao, JF; Jung, SW; Ladewig, E; Kong, DS; Suh, YL; Lee, Y; Kim, D; Ahn, SH; Bordyuh, M; Kang, HJ; Sa, JK; Seo, YJ; Kim, ST; Lim, DH; Dho, YS; Lee, JI; Seol, HJ; Choi, JW; Park, WY; Park, CK; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH
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  • J NEUROSURG 2018 10.3171/2017.7.JNS171226 Clinical outcomes of intracranial solitary fibrous tumor and hemangiopericytoma: analysis according to the 2016 WHO classification of central nervous system tumors Kim1, BS; Kim, Y; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Lee, JI; Suh, YL; Seol, HJ
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  • ACTA NEUROCHIR 2018 10.1007/s00701-018-3726-2 The influence of histology on the response of brain metastases to gamma knife radiosurgery: a propensity score-matched study Kim1, KH; Lee, MH; Cho, KR; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2018 10.1007/s11060-018-2972-8 Impact of adjuvant treatments on survival in Korean patients with WHO grade II gliomas: KNOG 15-02 and KROG 16-04 intergroup study Koo1, T; Lim, DH; Seol, HJ; Dho, YS; Kim, IH; Chang, JH; Lee, J; Jung, TY; Gwak, HS; Cho, KH; Hong, CK; Lee, IJ; Kim, E; Kim, JH; Hong, YK; Jang, HS; Kim, CY; Kim, IA; Kim, SH; Kim, YI; Kim, EY; Kim, WC; Hong, S
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  • ASIA-PAC J CLIN ONCO 2018 10.1111/ajco.12861 Leptomeningeal enhancement on preoperative brain MRI in patients with glioblastoma and its clinical impact Kim1, H; Lim, DH; Kim, TG; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Seol, HJ; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Suh, YL; Kim, ST
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  • NAT GENET 2018 10.1038/s41588-018-0209-6 Pharmacogenomic landscape of patient-derived tumor cells informs precision oncology therapy Lee1, JK; Liu, ZQ; Sa, JK; Shin, S; Wang, JG; Bordyuh, M; Cho, H; Elliott, O; Chu, T; Choi, SW; Rosenbloom, DIS; Lee, IH; Shin, YJ; Kang, HJ; Kim, D; Kim, SY; Sim, MH; Kim, J; Lee, T; Seo, YJ; Shin, H; Lee, M; Kim, SH; Kwon, YJ; Oh, JW; Song, M; Kim, M; Kong, DS; Choi, JW; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kim, ST; Park, JO; Kim, KM; Song, SY; Lee, JW; Kim, HC; Lee, JE; Choi, MG; Seo, SW; Shim, YM; Zo, JI; Jeong, BC; Yoon, Y; Ryu, GH; Kim, NKD; Bae, JS; Park, WY; Lee, J; Verhaak, RGW; Iavarone, A; Lee, J; Rabadan, R; Nam, DH
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2018 10.1007/s11060-018-2839-z Multi-institutional study of treatment patterns in Korean patients with WHO grade II gliomas: KNOG 15-02 and KROG 16-04 intergroup study Koo1, T; Lim, DH; Seol, HJ; Park, CK; Kim, IH; Chang, JH; Lee, J; Jung, S; Gwak, HS; Cho, KH; Hong, CK; Lee, IJ; Kim, E; Kim, JH; Hong, YK; Jang, HS; Kim, CY; Kim, IA; Kim, SH; Kim, YI; Kim, EY; Kim, WC; Hong, S
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  • Cancer Med 2018 10.1002/cam4.1439 Identification of transcriptome signature for predicting clinical response to bevacizumab in recurrent glioblastoma Choi1, SW; Shin, H; Sa, JK; Cho, HJ; Koo, H; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH
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  • J NEUROSURG 2018 10.3171/2016.12.JNS161920 Clinical outcomes of an endoscopic transclival and transpetrosal approach for primary skull base malignancies involving the clivus Kim1, YH; Jeon, C; Se, YB; Hong, SD; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Park, CK; Kim, DG; Jung, HW; Han, DH; Nam, DH; Kong, DS
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  • AM J CLIN ONCOL-CANC 2018 10.1097/COC.0000000000000224 Prognostic Value of Ki-67 Labeling Index and Postoperative Radiotherapy in WHO Grade II Meningioma Choi1, Y; Lim, DH; Yu, JI; Jo, K; Nam, DH; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Kong, DS; Suh, YL; Nam, H
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  • J CLIN NEUROSCI 2017 10.1016/j.jocn.2017.07.012 Reconstructive outcome of intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak after endoscopic endonasal surgery for tumors involving skull base Jeon1, CM; Hong, SD; Seol, HJ; Lee, JI; Nam, DH; Hwang, YJ; Kong, DS
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  • ACTA NEUROCHIR 2017 10.1007/s00701-017-3230-0 Optimal treatment of jugular foramen schwannomas: long-term outcome of a multidisciplinary approach for a series of 29 cases in a single institute Ryu1, SM; Lee, JI; Park, K; Choi, JW; Kong, DS; Nam, DH; Jeong, HS; Cho, YS; Seol, HJ
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  • J NEURO-ONCOL 2017 10.1007/s11060-017-2478-9 MGMT promoter methylation status as a prognostic factor for the outcome of gamma knife radiosurgery for recurrent glioblastoma Kim1, BS; Kong, DS; Seol, HJ; Nam, DH; Lee, JI
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