
Ko En

신경과 김준표 교수

치매, 기억장애, 언어장애, 알쯔하이머병(Alzheimer병), 혈관성치매, 전두엽치매, 경도인지장애
진료일정 09 月
진료일정 10 月


2022.02 성균관대학교 의과대학 박사 졸업
2014.08 성균관대학교 의과대학 석사 졸업
2010.02 성균관대학교 의과대학 학사 졸업


2020.02 ~ 2022.11 Indiana University (Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) Visiting Scholar & Postdoctoral Fellow
2018.05 ~ 2020.01 삼성서울병원 신경과 치매 및 인지신경학 파트 전임의
2015.03 ~ 2018.04 공중보건의사
2011.03 ~ 2015.02 삼성서울병원 신경과 레지던트
2010.03 ~ 2011.02 삼성서울병원 인턴
  • ALZHEIMERS RES THER 2024 10.1186/s13195-024-01483-y Distinct effects of blood pressure parameters on Alzheimer's and vascular markers in 1,952 Asian individuals without dementia Lee, SJ; Kim, SE; Jang, H; Kim, JP; Sohn, G; Park, YH; Ham, H; Gu, YA; Park, CJ; Kim, HJ; Na, DL; Kim, K; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2024 10.3389/fnagi.2024.1356745 Deep learning model for individualized trajectory prediction of clinical outcomes in mild cognitive impairment Jung, W; Kim, SE; Kim, JP; Jang, H; Park, CJ; Kim, HJ; Na, DL; Seo, SW; Suk, HI
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  • COMMUN BIOL 2024 10.1038/s42003-024-05787-5 Distinct spatiotemporal patterns of cortical thinning in Alzheimer's disease-type cognitive impairment and subcortical vascular cognitive impairment Kim, J; Kim, J; Park, YH; Yoo, H; Kim, JP; Jang, H; Park, H; Seo, SW
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  • CLIN NUCL MED 2024 10.1097/RLU.0000000000004937 Clinical and Pathological Validation of CT-Based Regional Harmonization Methods of Amyloid PET Kim, SJ; Jang, H; Yoo, H; Na, DL; Ham, H; Kim, HJ; Kim, JP; Farrar, G; Moon, SH; Seo, SW
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  • NEUROLOGY 2024 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207806 Association of Glycemic Variability With Imaging Markers of Vascular Burden, β-Amyloid, Brain Atrophy, and Cognitive Impairment Jang, H; Lee, S; An, S; Park, Y; Kim, SJ; Cheon, BK; Kim, JH; Kim, HJ; Na, DL; Kim, JP; Kim, K; Seo, SW
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  • ALZHEIMERS RES THER 2023 10.1186/s13195-023-01342-2 Distinct effects of cholesterol profile components on amyloid and vascular burdens Kang, SH; Yoo, H; Cheon, BK; Park, YH; Kim, SJ; Ham, H; Jang, H; Kim, HJ; Oh, K; Koh, SB; Na, DL; Kim, JP; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1278998 Clinical effects of novel susceptibility genes for beta-amyloid: a gene-based association study in the Korean population Kim, BH; Lee, HYW; Ham, H; Kim, HJ; Jang, H; Kim, JP; Park, YH; Kim, M; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1277392 Sex-specific relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and amyloid-β in cognitively unimpaired individuals Kang, SH; Yoo, H; Cheon, BK; Kim, JP; Jang, H; Kim, HJ; Kang, M; Oh, K; Koh, SB; Na, DL; Chang, Y; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1209027 Sex differences in the structural rich-club connectivity in patients with Alzheimer's disease Kim, SJ; Bae, YJ; Park, YH; Jang, H; Kim, JP; Seo, SW; Seong, JK; Kim, GH
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  • BIOL PSYCHIAT 2023 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.06.020 Integrative Co-methylation Network Analysis Identifies Novel DNA Methylation Signatures and Their Target Genes in Alzheimer?s Disease Kim, JP; Kim, BH; Bice, PJ; Seo, SW; Bennett, DA; Saykin, AJ; Nho, K
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1160536 Identifying genetic variants for amyloid beta in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment Kim, HR; Jung, SH; Kim, B; Kim, J; Jang, H; Kim, JP; Kim, SY; Na, DL; Kim, HJ; Nho, K; Won, HH; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1122927 Classification and prediction of cognitive trajectories of cognitively unimpaired individuals Kim, YJ; Kim, SE; Hahn, A; Jang, H; Kim, JP; Kim, HJ; Na, DL; Chin, J; Seo, SW
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  • ALZHEIMERS RES THER 2023 10.1186/s13195-023-01215-8 Different effects of cardiometabolic syndrome on brain age in relation to gender and ethnicity Kang, SH; Liu, MT; Park, G; Kim, SY; Lee, H; Matloff, W; Zhao, L; Yoo, H; Kim, JP; Jang, H; Kim, HJ; Jahanshad, N; Oh, K; Koh, SB; Na, DL; Gallacher, J; Gottesman, RF; Seo, SW; Kim, H
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1126799 Contribution of clinical information to the predictive performance of plasma beta-amyloid levels for amyloid positron emission tomography positivity Chun, MY; Jang, H; Kim, HJ; Kim, JP; Gallacher, J; Allue, JA; Sarasa, L; Castillo, S; Pascual-Lucas, M; Na, DL; Seo, SW
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  • FRONT AGING NEUROSCI 2023 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1124445 Clinical outcomes of increased focal amyloid uptake in individuals with subthreshold global amyloid levels Kim, J; Choe, YS; Park, Y; Kim, Y; Kim, JP; Jang, H; Kim, HJ; Na, DL; Cho, SJ; Moon, SH; Seo, SW
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  • Scientific reports. / 2021.03.26 Predicting amyloid positivity in patients with mild cognitive impairment using a radiomics approach Jun Pyo Kim1, Jonghoon Kim, Hyemin Jang, Jaeho Kim, Sung Hoon Kang, Ji Sun Kim, Jongmin Lee, Duk L. Na, Hee Jin Kim, Sang Won Seo, Hyunjin Park
  • Sci Rep. / 2021.02.18 Disease progression modelling from preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) to AD dementia Cho SH1, Woo S, Kim C, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim BC, Kim SE, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Lockhart S, Ossenkoppele R, Landau S, Na DL, Weiner M, Kim S, Seo SW.
  • Neuroimage Clin. / 2021 Cortical neuroanatomical changes related to specific neuropsychological deficits in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment Kang SH1, Park YH, Kim JP, Kim JS, Kim CH, Jang H, Kim HJ, Koh SB, Na DL, Chin J, Seo SW.
  • Alzheimers Res Ther. / 2021.06.21 Identifying novel genetic variants for brain amyloid deposition: a genome-wide association study in the Korean population Kim HR1, Jung SH, Kim J, Jang H, Kang SH, Hwangbo S, Kim JP, Kim SY, Kim B, Kim S, Jeong JH, Yoon SJ, Park KW, Kim EJ, Yoon B, Jang JW, Hong JY, Choi SH, Noh Y, Kim KW, Kim SE, Lee JS, Jung NY, Lee J, Kim BC, Son SJ, Hong CH, Na DL, Seo SW, Won HH, Kim HJ.
  • Front Neurol. / 2021.12.07 Distinctive Mediating Effects of Subcortical Structure Changes on the Relationships Between Amyloid or Vascular Changes and Cognitive Decline Jung NY1, Shin JH, Kim HJ, Jang H, Moon SH, Kim SJ, Kim Y, Cho SH, Kim KW, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim ST, Kim EJ, Na DL, Vogel JW, Lee S, Seong JK, Seo SW.
  • Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. / 2021.07.30 Harmonisation of PET imaging features with different amyloid ligands using machine learning-based classifier Kang SH1, Kim J, Kim JP, Cho SH, Choe YS, Jang H, Kim HJ, Koh SB, Na DL, Seong JK, Seo SW.
  • Alzheimers Res Ther. / 2021.09.14 Intracerebroventricular injection of human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells in patients with Alzheimer's disease dementia: a phase I clinical trial Kim HJ1, Cho KR, Jang H, Lee NK, Jung YH, Kim JP, Lee JI, Chang JW, Park S, Kim ST, Moon SW, Seo SW, Choi SJ, Na DL.
  • Eur J Neurol. / 2021.10.30 Independent effects of amyloid and vascular markers on long-term functional outcomes: An 8-year longitudinal study of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment Kang SH1, Woo SY, Kim S, Kim JP, Jang H, Koh SB, Na DL, Kim HJ, Seo SW.
  • Alzheimer's research & therapy. / 2021.10.05 BMI1 is associated with CS8F amyloid-β and rates of cognitivedecline in Alzheimer’s disease Jun Pyo Kim1, Bo-Hyun Kim, Paula J. Bice, Sang Won Seo, David A. Bennett, Andrew J. Saykin, and Kwangsik Nho for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
  • Neuroimage Clin. / 2020 Reduced forced vital capacity is associated with cerebral small vessel disease burden in cognitively normal individuals Kim Y1, Lee H, Son TO, Jang H, Cho SH, Kim SE, Kim SJ, Lee JS, Kim JP, Jung YH, Lockhart SN, Kim HJ, Na DL, Park HY, Seo SW.
  • Neurology. / 2020.10.27 Association between APOE ε2 and Aβ burden in patients with Alzheimer- and vascular-type cognitive impairment Lee JS1, Lee H, Park S, Choe Y, Park YH, Cheon BK, Hahn A, Ossenkoppele R, Kim HJ, Kim S, Yoo H, Jang H, Cho SH, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Park KC, DeCarli C, Weiner MW, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • Sci Rep. / 2020.09.11 Appropriate reference region selection of 18F-florbetaben and 18F-flutemetamol beta-amyloid PET expressed in Centiloid Cho SH1, Choe YS, Park S, Kim YJ, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim BC, Na DL, Moon SH, Seo SW.
  • Alzheimer's research & therapy. / 2020.06.11 Optical coherence tomography angiography as a potential screening tool for cerebral small vessel diseases Ju-Yeun Lee1, Jun Pyo Kim, Hyemin Jang, Jaeho Kim, Sung Hoon Kang, Ji Sun Kim, Jongmin Lee, Young Hee Jung, Duk L. Na, Sang Won Seo, Sei Yeul Oh, Hee Jin Kim
  • Sci Rep. / 2020.11.11 Concordance in detecting amyloid positivity between 18F-florbetaben and 18F-flutemetamol amyloid PET using quantitative and qualitative assessments Cho SH1, Choe YS, Kim YJ, Lee B, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim SJ, Kim BC, Farrar G, Na DL, Moon SH, Seo SW.
  • Neurobiology of Aging / 2020 Differences in neuroimaging features of early-versus late-onset nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia Lee JS1, Yoo S, Park S, Kim HJ, Park KC, Seong JK, Suh MK, Lee J, Jang H, Kim KW, Kim Y, Cho SH, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim EJ, Suh YL, Lockhart SN, Seeley WW, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • J Clin Med. / 2020.08.17 The Effects of Longitudinal White Matter Hyperintensity Change on Cognitive Decline and Cortical Thinning over Three Years Kim SJ1, Lee DK, Jang YK, Jang H, Kim SE, Cho SH, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim EJ, Na DL, Lee JM, Seo SW, Kim HJ.
  • Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. / 2020.02 Application of an amyloid and tau classification system in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment patients Jang H1, Kim HJ, Park S, Park YH, Choe Y, Cho H, Lyoo CH, Yoon U, Lee JS, Kim Y, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Ryu YH, Choi JY, Moon SH, Seong JK, DeCarli C, Weiner MW, Lockhart SN, Cho SH, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • J Alzheimers Dis. / 2020 Head-to-Head Comparison of 18F-Florbetaben and 18F-Flutemetamol in the Cortical and Striatal Regions Cho SH1, Choe YS, Kim YJ, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim Y, Kim SE, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim BC, Lockhart SN, Farrar G, Na DL, Moon SH, Seo SW.
  • Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. / 2020.07 new Centiloid method for 18F-florbetaben and 18F-flutemetamol PET without conversion to PiB Cho SH1, Choe YS, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim Y, Kim SE, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Kim BC, Baker SL, Lockhart SN, Na DL, Park S, Seo SW.
  • Sci Rep. / 2020.01.21 Frontal-executive dysfunction affects dementia conversion in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment Jung YH1, Park S, Jang H, Cho SH, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Kim ST, Na DL, Seo SW, Kim HJ.
  • Stroke. / 202 Strictly Lobar Microbleeds Reflect Amyloid Angiopathy Regardless of Cerebral and Cerebellar Compartments Jung YH1, Jang H, Park SB, Choe YS, Park Y, Kang SH, Lee JM, Kim JS, Kim J, Kim JP, Kim HJ, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • Front Aging Neurosci. / 2019.01.18 Distinct Brain Regions in Physiological and Pathological Brain Aging Lee JS1, Park YH, Park S, Yoon U, Choe Y, Cheon BK, Hahn A, Cho SH, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Park KC, Kim HJ, Jang H, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • Dement Neurocogn Disord. / 2019.09 The Cortical Neuroanatomy Related to Specific Neuropsychological Deficits in Alzheimer's Continuum Kang SH1, Park YH, Lee D, Kim JP, Chin J, Ahn Y, Park SB, Kim HJ, Jang H, Jung YH, Kim J, Lee J, Kim JS, Cheon BK, Hahn A, Lee H, Na DL, Kim YJ, Seo SW.
  • European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. / 2019.12.28 Staging and quantification of florbetaben PET images using machine learning: impact of predicted regional cortical tracer uptake and amyloid stage on clinical outcomes Jun Pyo Kim1, Jeonghun Kim, Yeshin Kim, Seung Hwan Moon, Yu Hyun Park, Sole Yoo, Hyemin Jang, Hee Jin Kim, Duk L. Na, Sang Won Seo, Joon-Kyung Seong
  • J Alzheimers Dis. / 2019 Clinical Effects of Frontal Behavioral Impairment: Cortical Thickness and Cognitive Decline in Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Decline and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Kim SJ1, Jung NY, Kim YJ, Park SB, Kim K, Kim Y, Jang H, Kim SE, Cho SH, Kim JP, Jung YH, Woo SY, Kim SW, Lockhart SN, Kim EJ, Kim HJ, Lee JM, Chin J, Na DL, Seo SW.
  • NeuroImage: Clinical. / 2019.04.03 Machine Learning Based Hierarchical Classification of Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Jun Pyo Kim1, Jeonghun Kim, Yu Hyun Park, Seong Beom Park, Jin San Lee, Sole Yoo, Eun-Joo Kim, Hee Jin Kim, Duk L. Na, Jesse A. Brown, Samuel N. Lockhart, Sang Won Seo, Joon-Kyung Seong
  • Precision and Future Medicine / 2018 Neuropsychological test-based risk prediction of conversion to dementia in amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients: a personal view Kim JP1, Jang HM, Kim HJ, et al.
  • Neurology. / 2015.09.01 Effects of Education on Aging related Cortical Thinning among Cognitively Normal Individuals JP Kim1, SW Seo, HY Shin, BS Ye, J Yang, C Kim, M Kang, S Jeon, HJ Kim, H Cho, J Kim, JM Lee, ST Kim, DL Na and E Guallar
  • European neurology. /2015.05.23 Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch in Single Subcortical Infarction: A Predictor of Early Neurological Deterioration and Poor Functional Outcome Jun Pyo Kim1, Suk Jae Kim, Jung Jae Lee, Ji Hoon Cha, Oh Young Bang, Chin-Sang Chung, Kwang Ho Lee, Gyeong-Moon Kim
  • J Clin Neurol. / 2014.07 Role of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of primary angiitis of the central nervous system Noh HJ1, Choi JW, Kim JP, Moon GJ, Bang OY.
  • Cerebrovasc Dis. / 2013 Is atrial fibrillation always a culprit of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation plus stroke? Kim SJ1, Ryoo S, Kwon S, Park YK, Kim JP, Lee GY, Bang OY.

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