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단축키 목록

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Case 1. A pulsatile lump in the upper lip causing an aesthetic concern

  • Diagnosis: Arteriovenous malformation
  • Treatment: 3 times of alcohol sclerotherapy followed by one time of plastic surgery

Case 2. A soft lump, pain, and inflammation in the face causing an aesthetic issue

  • Diagnosis: Lymphatic malformation
  • Treatment: One time of sclerotherapy

Case 3. Vascular niduses in the tongue and the lip with discomfort while speaking or eating

  • Diagnosis: Venous malformation
  • Treatment: 2 times of alcohol sclerotherapy

Case 4. A vascular nidus, ulcer, and bleeding in the ear

  • Diagnosis: Arteriovenous malformation
  • Treatment: Alcohol sclerotherapy followed by surgery